No On Measure U
On the northwest corner of Hamilton Ave. & Magnolia St. in Huntington Beach is the ASCON waste dump site, a USEPA and CalEPA toxic superfund clean-up site.
How did ASCON become a toxic waste dump site? By and large, we allowed it—despite a minority of voices opposed to it.
Massive open-ocean intakes (a.k.a. once-through-cooling) were used for cooling nuclear and fossil fuel power generating plants up and down the California coast that were determined to decimate coastal marine life.
How did this cooling method become so very detrimental to marine life? By and large, we allowed it—despite a very vocal minority opposed to these open-ocean methods.
Ill-advised human impacts and unfavorable environmental effects are not subject to the will of the electorate. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and sea-level rise (SLR) do not care about what, how, or why a majority of humans makes its choices.
Huntington Beach needs experts and regulatory bodies to protect us and the environment from hazards and negative effects of our actions (allowances).
HB does not need the judgments of such experts and entities overridden by any election. All too often the outcome of any election is determined by “money” and/or “monied interests”.
Measure U would allow elections to decide environmental outcomes. Thus, overriding the judgments of experts and regulating authorities. Measure U, if passed, would most assuredly allow repeats of past environmental disasters.